Groom principal and co-chair of the firm’s Health Services practice Lisa Campbell will be speaking on the panel, “Commercial Market Regulatory Landscape: An Environmental Scan,” during AHIP’s National Conference on Health Policy and Government Health Programs (formerly the Medicare, Medicaid & Dual Eligibles Conference) on Tuesday, March 15. The session will provide an overview of the federal regulatory landscape for 2022, focusing on expected guidance from the Tri-agencies, including mental health parity, health care reforms in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, Surprise Billing, nondiscrimination, Exchange rules, and Congressional proposals.

The virtual conference, taking place March 14-17, 2022, will focus on policy issues and emerging trends surrounding Medicare, Medicaid, and programs serving those who are dually eligible. It will also explore the future of employer-sponsored coverage and the individual, small group, and private markets.

For more information or to register, click here.


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