Plan Sponsor has a weekly feature to help plan sponsors understand what they need to do to prepare for the impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Groom principals, Christy Tinnes and Brigen Winters, serve as the health care reform experts and field weekly questions regarding the new law. The weekly questions are compiled and published each month in the “Second Opinion” column in Plan Sponsor Magazine.

In June, the U.S. Supreme Court found the ACA to be constitutional. This means that all of the ACA provisions already in place—such as the age-26 rule, preventive care requirements and restrictions on annual and lifetime limits—will continue. And, what is more, all the new and upcoming requirements will go into effect as planned. If they have not already, plan sponsors should review upcoming requirements and make sure to be prepared to comply. To that end, we provide a checklist of ACA requirements that apply to group health plans and plan sponsors for 2012 through 2013.

These Q&As first appeared online in September. As health care law is rapidly evolving, there may be further developments since the initial publication.


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